Duration: 2 Days
This course, which we are currently only offering as a private in-house course, is aimed at experienced modellers who use or develop financial models involving project finance.
The primary focus of this course is developing robust and efficient project finance models from a blank workbook applying best practice modelling techniques. Emphasis is placed on managing look-forward circularities (such as debt sizing and DSRAs), other project specific modelling elements (such as debt sculpting and deferred taxes) and model structure (cash waterfall and modular build up approach).
Key topics covered on this course
- What is project finance and modelling implications therein
- Model setup (sections, worksheets, order etc.)
- Inputs and scenario manager
- Dates and flags
- Funding requirements, commitment fees and debt sizing
- Modelling for circularities (VBA)
- Cash flow waterfall structure and setup
- Cashflow / balance sheet / income statement interaction
- Revenue and cost drivers and escalation
- Capital expenditure, life-cycle costs and depreciation
- Refinancing, amortisation sculpting and Debt service reserve account (DSRA)
- Senior debt vs. Sub debt
- Debt ratios, distributions and lockups
- Tax calculations, deferred taxes and tax losses
This course is right for you if you have:
- Intermediate to advanced experience with Excel in a financial environment
- Understanding of accounting and finance concepts in financial models
- Existing knowledge of project finance concepts
You don’t need to know: